Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Monday, 28 November 2016
Athletics day
On friday we had a day full of fun . It was Athletics day we did sprinting high jump and lots of other stuff like that. Whenever the instrument goes we move onto another game when people races jumps land catch and thro
w it actually not about winning it actually about having fun. The people who comes first which is gold medal and second which is silver medal and third witch is bronds if they come 1 2 3 they are in one of the final when they are running. Or doing high jump you can support our friends and cheer for them the colors for the teams is yellow blue green and red at the end of the Athletics Mr Burt get all and parent and also seany is to run when I am doing high jump I feel like superman when he flies. My favourite game in the whole wide world is sprinting i always practice at home so i can get some fitness working before we started the athletics we listened to Miss Vaafusuaga for the instructions she told us about it not about winning it's about getting out there and have some fun she replied back so we did had some fun and didn't moan about anything. I said to myself this is my chance to get out there and have some fun next week friday we had people that came 1 2 3 and 4 i was cheering for my group.Friday, 18 November 2016
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
film festival
On Wednesday morning last week the whole school went to the film festival movies we all went on the bus and we went Into straight lines and started to walk straight into the bus. When we got to the film festival I was waiting anxiously. When I was sitting with my friends I was so shocked when I appeared on the big screen I was cheering for our movies when the movies just popped up I was skipping with excitement but when Josh and Marika went up on the stage I realised something off the movie. I was on it this was my first time looking at myself being proud but the other times I was covering my face. I couldn't believe it i'm am not shy anymore this was amazing .When we all went back to school our class went back to class and went and did blog comments we also watched the movie I was in. My favorite movie was history by room 5 because when they where little kids they looked so cute this was a day full of Joy.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Friday, 4 November 2016
12 grams
10 grams
35 grams
65 grams
31 . 61
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Monday, 31 October 2016
Friday, 28 October 2016
One day there was one troll and one bridge the trolls name was kevin he lived under the bridge he loved his bridge more better than anybody else he hated people and animals there was 3x people who went to go hiking in the bushes there name was jess steve and a 5 year old girl named bella they had no lect christie no water and no sun so they went inside the bushes and when they did they heard shouting and funny noises like trolls so they all started walking and they saw a bridge come on said jess there's no troll but they saw it here it was the huge troll that why the people had been scarred of the big troll AAAAAAA all of them ran but not steve
He did int ran come on come steve said jess wait said bella i think that where the troll lives and how would you no said jess i read it off a book it could the book of ona bella showed the book the troll looked at it . It looks so beautiful if you give me that book i will let you go to the other side of the bridge bella said no okay said the troll i'm going to eat you up all right said bella she gave the book two the troll they walk like 5 miles away from that troll OMG said bella she saw a gorgeous castle and a candy land world they open the door while steve and jess started eating ice cream and started to walk in there they saw 1x king and queen and also 10 slaves hello said bella and the queen said i know you are you jess said the queen and jess said yes i am and you muss be steve how do you know my name i can sent you well come on meet the king hey said the queen we got visitors well hello i am yes i know who you are said bella while the king got very devastated why are you here said the king wheir here to go for a bush walk who said the king shouted okay now let not get any more trouble come on let have a look around the place so here is the popcorn maker and this well be your guys bedroom wait said bella are we living here well yeah said the queen okay then said steve and jess look said bella we got food and water and yeah well you guys can take some stuff and you guys can leave come on said jess let just stay here for one night alright said bella we will only stay here for just one night so it morning jess and steven woke up very they ate pancakes and a cup of juice well we're going for another bush walk again so they all got kicked out of the castle and kept walking once they saw a wolf in the middle of the dark they ran and ran until they saw a cliff it okay guys i got you said the superhero they fly to the other side of the cliff they all went making fire to start getting warm and not just warm also marshmallo they all had a lovely life but a weird day so tomorrow guys where going back they all woke up and started to go back home . Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
In the afternoon all the ginger beer people went out on the deck and started to open then bottle what happed was that the explode and our bottle fall down on to the ground after that we all went to the bottle and open it up and had a drink it tasted so yuck what was wrong with it is that there was to much yeast and that how we all end with a drink we all went back inside and did work work work
Friday, 21 October 2016
One lovely day there was a young girl named sophia and there was two little babies who always wandered around the place, there names are Bethan and Amy. They were all girls but not all them there was two boys who always played tennis one was the dad and one was football player and there names are John and lehi John told his son about back in then that the dad was a soccer player in high school. It was night time Sophia just put her head on the pilo it was morning she woke up and brushed her and had a shower she open the door and heard a bang it was a different country Sophia went back in the bathroom but it disappeared she is in the middle of nowhere she was in candyland world she ate the chocolate off the ground
And candy floss on the sky and she saw the mountains full with ice cream on it and a massive cherry on top but how would she get home she looked around eating her banana there heard 2 people behind Sophia she heard a noise come out come out wherever you are said Sophia saw of both of them came out and it was Bethan and Amy you know them they always run around the place they slip by the banana split sophia was so sad because she couldn't get back home so they so they find out what is happening sophia has to hold one by one she was so so tired so she sat down and had a rest next to the tree the people went pass the tree they saw babies sleeping and sophia sleeping they woke them and said why are you here sophia replied back and said i am trying to find my home said sophia luck replied back and said well you should come with me and my king we'll find out
here you live so she did she saw a huge castle the people open the door and had a look inside it was there king she told the king that how can i go back said sophia i just can't well said the king i will take you back home but the only way is to get back is that you haft to bealt a machine to get you back home how do i bealt it with all of this candy said sophia so sophia made a machine she called it the smoother doper smelly stinky machine wow said the king he thought it well be called the best teacher in the whole why world who has little muscles called Mr Moran and a lady called miss king she had more bigger muscles then Mr Moran i don't like the way how you called it said the
King what if my name was miss king but sur you are a men right said the king i am a men sophia push the green button she went in the machine and started to make her way back home she looked at everybody else and there goes a happy ending
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
The Scientist
In the beginning there was a slam behind John's back. He got a massive fright from the outside door “maybe it was the wind” he said. Suddenly he saw his brother in the laboratory using the test tube. He was a scientist when he started college he put his white jacket on and added hot water to the test tube.
“I am going to be the best scientist in the world” shouted Jack. He tiped some hot water in and it decided to burn the whole laboratory out . Before the explosion started to burn John saved his little brother and became a superhero. There parent came home and saw a big mess the kitchen was burnt and the TV was on fire .
They brought a new house and told their kids to not be scientists, John told them the truth and jack felt very sad. The parent told him “that you need to get a job and that will not make you feel lonely.” The parent said so John worked at countdown and Jack worked at the cafe shop and the parent sat down on the couch and watched Percy Jackson and the lightning bolt.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
liam and the messy room
How did mum and Liam know that Harold was missing and not just visiting the neighbours?
Because yesterday harold didn't came for breakfast
Why did Liam have to shove piles of stuff away to get into his room?
Because his room was messy
What was missing in Liam’s room?
He couldn't see the bed
Where did Liam go when he disappeared?
Into the messy stuff
Who did Liam feel when he couldn’t get out?
Trixie licking him
How did Liam and his pets escape the mess?
By cleaning up
Why did Liam say nothing when his mum said “Thank goodness they’re home?”
Because his mum might be worried or she might be upset and angry
What did Liam learn from this event?
By cleaning up instead of making a mess in his room
Draw a picture in Pixlr of what you think Liam’s bedroom should look like. Write Liam a short letter explain how he can make sure thing don’t go missing in his room again.
Pitcher in here
Dear Liam,
You need two clean your room
Before you play and
Don’t leave anything on the floor
Because you might get loose again
Into the yucky rubbish no mess
From Aaliyah
Friday, 2 September 2016
Thursday, 1 September 2016
pierre de coubertin
After a gap of hundreds of years the Olympics return to Athens in 1896 . The reason behind the recreation of the Olympics was because of one man Pierre de Coubertin. He admired the Greek ideals of fitness and sporty competitiveness Amongst different communities. And he hoped that the modern Olympics would bring countries closer together.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
First Olympics
The Olympics of 1896 in Athens in Greece had fourteen countries taking part with most of the athletes
from Greece. This first modern Olympics was the largest meeting of International competitors that had ever occurred . The next Olympics held in Paris for years later was the first to allowed women competitors. This time the Olympics were part of a much bigger event and lasted several months .
Friday, 5 August 2016
Jamaican, Usain Bolt was so proud that he had won himself and his country the gold medal. He was the fastest runner in the world. Usain was so thankful that he won the gold medal. The audience was waving and shouting making Usain Bolt feel so successful and also emotional .
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
The Olympic Flame
The modern flame symbolizes the light of the spirit, knowledge and life. To this day, the torch is still lit in Olympia in Greece, then carried by a relay team, passing runner to runner, until it reaches the host-city of the games. There, the cauldron will be lit and stay alight until the closing ceremony.
The modern flame symbolizes the light of the spirit, knowledge and life. To this day, the torch is still lit in Olympia in Greece, then carried by a relay team, passing runner to runner, until it reaches the host-city of the games. There, the cauldron will be lit and stay alight until the closing ceremony.
Friday, 29 July 2016
The Olympics began over Two and a half Thousand years ago In Ancient Greece. In those days Greece was made up of Several different states Including Athens, Sparta and Corinth and they often were at war with each other. But when the games were on they hold the Truce . This great Eventually was held In this place called Olympia and this is why Games are called Olympics .They were held once every Four years in Honour of Zeus lord of all the Gods. Adveterly the Ancient Olympics were abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius the first who was christian and didn't like the games because they were dedicated to a pagan god but the Olympics we'll always remember as a symbol of human achievement and peace.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Art Work Reflection
My artwork made me feel awesome because it has lots of colours in it and I am so proud about my artwork because it means A Lot for me. When I am doing my artwork I am ready to show all my family my amazing and awesome and creative artwork. I really love my artwork it is an amazing design and shows happiness.
The best thing about my painting is that I enjoy what I do and enjoy the happiness inside me . Painting is my favorite thing to do and it is also amazing I love all the stuff about my painting. It is a lovely painting I love it so much.
What I didn't like is that the vivid was kind of hard and so different to the others. The other one that I don't like is trying my hardest to get over it I hate all of the hard part it is so hard to get all of this finished in time was the hardest for me.
I can do my artwork next time by trying my hardest. I can make it better by changing all the stuff and putting my new stuff in it. I can make my artwork better by putting the colorful stuff and I can do that next time and that.
The interesting thing was struggling with the stars. It was the interesting thing in my life it was hard to do the stars so I made lot of mistakes. That I did large stars and doing tricky stuff which was the stars .
Mostly I learn taking care my artwork and learning how to teach my friends at doing artwork. It was very hard to look after my friends and making sure that they are all right.
In my garden my flowers have rotational symmetry.
This means that…
It is the same 8 petals and it rotates.
my butterfly has…
Reflective symmetry
This means that... it is the same on In my gardenboth sides.
In my garden my pathway shows...
To make my pathway I translated the shapes
This mean that … the shapes move and it the same shape
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Te Tuhi
First thing in the morning we saw an art gallery called Te Tuhi we went walking in the pouring rain . We did lots and lots of activities we were doing some shapes that made our dream bedroom look fantastic. I added some design for my shapes so they can go together. We were watching movies melting metal. Suddenly when we first went in the art gallery we saw a machine that smoked the whole enormous art gallery out. Listening carefully to Jeremy we all watched very close to his instructions. We had lots of fun at the art gallery and wished that we will come back to the art gallery again . When we were finished eating we went climbing on the bus and went back to Pt England school .
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Friday, 17 June 2016
There was a big taniwha on Lake Taupo. Most of the people were scared of the taniwha .Tamarereti said to himself he will not go past that huge taniwha. Tamarereti Was so hungry that his rumbling belly was starving. He checked his kete and it was empty . Tamarereti decided to catch some fish on lake taupo. Tamarereti thinks there will be enough time to sleep in the darkest night .
When he was sleeping the W
aka was blown by the wind. Tamarereti waka went on the other side of the lake. When he woke up he saw another land. He cooked his fish. Once he saw some glistening pebbles, Tamarereti thought of an idea. They would help light his way home . He went to go and picked the glistening pebbles on the lake . Tamarereti put it in the waka and threw them on the sky and the Taniwha wouldn't scare o tamarereti again. Ranginui talked and talked to tamarereti and finally Ranginui loved how he made all the stars float on the sky. Floating and floating and floating on the sky. After that he went back to his whare and had a sleep. Ranginui was so proud of him the end.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
The Eiffel Tower
In Paris there is a imposing Eiffel tower. The Eiffel Tower is made out of golden metal and steel. The Eiffel Tower
Is a masterpiece. When you're on top of The Eiffel Tower your breathtaking view will flew away. On top of The Eiffel Tower it is a graceful and peaceful place .
London Eye
IN London.f THE ferris Wheel is the most scary thing. T
his London Eye is 120 meters tall it is a outstanding view it is very scary and tall but not bigger than the Eiffel tower it is the Humongous London Eye of all I haven't seen a huge London Eye before this is the most tallest London Eye around London the comfortable ride is very scary you should watch out .
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
2000 years ago the Colosseum was built before Jesus Christ was born. Underground there was a grand and a glorious Colosseum .
Long long time ago there were gladiators fighting wild animals there were many creatures fighting. There was crumbling rocks coming down from the sides it was a Earthquake pouring down. 

Friday, 6 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Thursday, 14 April 2016
I chosed my gold medal because my great great grandmother gave me this gold medal it is part of my family my nana gave it to me when i was five years old I am keeping this forever .
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Fia Fia
At the fiafia in the library the kapa haka people got ready to do the performance . On the stage they felt butterflies in their tummy. For our costume We were wearing a piupiu and tights and also a black t - shirt. It was very exciting.
I got very very anxious when I first got on the stage, I saw a lot of people out there cheering and shouting and making us proud. My Mum and Dad waved and cheered for me the whole time. We were singing whakataka te hau and ka pioioi we had to smile and be happy about what we are doing .
When we got off the stage we saw our mum and dad they had tears falling down their eyes because they loved the performance they talk and talk to us and said they were proud of us.
I looked up to the sky I watch the stars move It was the best day of my life my Mum and dad can’t stop crying they still love the performance.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Under the water my muscles began pumping up until it reached up to the ceiling . Diving into the water
We kicked and tried our best to get to the very end i think i am a good swimmer.
Friday, 18 March 2016
the frog
Gripping on to the tree the slimy frog outstretched his tongue. Floating on the leaf the cricket was having a graceful time. Then a green frog came and caught his prey, he ate the cricket for dinner it was delicious.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
the bomb
God did a powerfully bomb he went in the water and came back out .the boy said you are god then they both grab a ice cream for them self but god bought him one .
Monday, 14 March 2016
Aaliah top top
Jumping out on the cliff
On a sunny day the boy came back out of the water .the boy was like have a bomb cuz said the boy to god .
God did a powerfully bomb he went in the water and came back out .the boy said you are god then they both grab a ice cream for them self but god bort him one .
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
The New Zealand flag
New Zealanders have began voting on whether to change their flag from a design which features the British Union Jack to one which features a silver fern.
Many people are angry that the referendum to change our flag has cost our country 27 million dollars. Also the new design is not considered to be a good design for a nation’s flag.
Friday, 4 March 2016
The blob
Spinning twirling and tumbling the children twisted their way through the air . As they plummeted towards the water their faces grinned in delight splash “Can I have another go please?”
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