
Friday, 18 March 2016

the frog

Gripping on to the tree the slimy frog outstretched his tongue. Floating on the leaf the cricket was having a graceful time. Then a green frog came and caught his prey, he ate the cricket for dinner it was delicious.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

the bomb

God did a powerfully bomb he went in the water and came back out .the boy said you are god then they both grab a ice cream for them self but god bought him one .

Monday, 14 March 2016

Aaliah top top

Jumping out on the cliff

On a sunny day the boy came back out of the water .the boy was like have a bomb cuz said the boy to god .

God did a powerfully bomb he went in the water and came back out .the boy said you are god then they both grab a ice cream for them self but god bort him one .

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The New Zealand flag

New Zealanders have began voting on whether to change their  flag  from a design which  features the British Union Jack to one which features a silver fern.
Many people  are angry that the referendum to change  our flag  has cost our country 27 million dollars. Also the new design is not considered to be a good design for a nation’s flag.

New Zealand Flag Colouring (1).jpg

Friday, 4 March 2016

The blob

Aaliah.jpgNestled within the blue and yellow pillow eager children anticipated the ride. The countdown was on. 3 2 1. Terror mixed with excitement was written all over their faces as they were catapulted towards the sky.
Spinning twirling and tumbling the children twisted their way through the air . As they plummeted towards the water their faces grinned in delight splash “Can I have another go please?”

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Key Compentency goal

Key Competency Goal

My Key Competency Goal is  I am learning to be a great group member by sharing my idea’s