I will be explaining 4 elements about Netball . Here we will be explain how to play the basics and how netball works . Enjoy these 4 elements about netball.
Netball is one simple fact in sports. In my opinion there are some rules that are unavailable in netball like .
Must held ball under 3 or 5 seconds
Must check jeweler before playing ( safety advice )
4 people in the center of the circle
Nails must be short before playing ( for your safety)
Must step 3 meters away from partner ( Obstruction )
These are rules that contains injuries if your not following these rules .
Netball is a game to have fun WIN ! and make mistakes because you learn from your mistakes.
Let's talk about obstruction , contact and penalty passes we all contain to these rules . Obstruction is a way to defend other players from getting the ball . Contact is a meaning as pushing, snatching the ball out of another player's hand . Contact cant be Available as usual it can cause injuries such as involving players in hospital . Penalty passes is a lesson that is very important to players. Penalty passes are an incorrect pass to your partner . Such as volley ball throw over head throw and one hand throw these are not the kind of throws you should not be doing.
Netball is a game where we start on seven - a side . We contribute this game to welcome people with friendly games and advice for one way to be healthy . In reality we need to consider these situations for safety and care . This is one way to get a break off work , school, university and more . We can learn more about netball.
Year 1,2,3,4,5,6 have rules that appear to these .
Must held ball under 5 seconds There will be no
GA ( goal attack ) WA ( wing attack ) GS ( goal shot ) WD ( wing defense ) GD ( goal defense ) C ( center ) . These are positions for year 7 , 8 and college people; we do not allow these positions for year 1 to 6 . Their positions will be D , A , C .
This is a question? Have you ever played netball