
Monday, 20 April 2020

Wk 2 term 2 Reading

Term 2 Week 3 reading

Poster wk 2

My daily work

Hi welcome back to another start of the term 2 Week 1 we here by announcing my daily task I've been doing .  I have been working on some task In week 1 here are some images that are similar to my works .

 This image is are meaning  of
how to wash your hands
step 1 make sure you
run the water while soap drips
on your hands. Step 2 make sure
you connect palm to palm .
These are some steps on how to make your hands clean  .                                                                                                                                                                   
this image is a caused of virus that has been spreading around the world.
Germs are no likely to be one of the most dangerous viruses caused on the planet . 
Make sure your keeping clean and washing your hands every a day .
For your safety .


Term 2 Wk 1 Reading

How to get rid of them Wk1 Term 1