Sharing Highlights From Last Week .
Last week the year 7s participated in activitys at school while year 8s were at year 8 leadership camp.
This week Team 5 got to share there highlight from last week starting from wendesday to friday .
We did so much Activitys like go cars , achery , shooting riffles , ping ball , jiggers & much more but . My favourite highlight from last week was achery & go cars because It was different & it was alot of fun . But most of all we all worked as a team,I loved every second of camp It was full of fun momments & memmories.
I also love my group cabin they were really fun to hang out with & so loyal to one another they respect eachother & that what I want to be able to achive.
The reason why we did all of this is because we had to show our leaderships in camp even if we are not a leader we can show what leaders are and how we participate .
Next year what I really want to achieve is to participate & courage people that are not In my team & that's not really my friends . What I will also like to achive is to show dignity ( respect , honnour , loyalty ) .
We created so much memmories and I will just like to treasure every momment of that weekend and hoping to see that camp again .

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