
Monday 10 August 2020

Questions about 2021 Activities

 Take some time to think about these questions and then create a blog post answering some of the questions on your blog.

  1. If you were to give ideas for the next year 7/8 camp what would you suggest? more games & excitement for our year 7s rotations.

  2. What would you keep? I would keep the memmories we made at year 8 leadership camp

  3. What would you stop? The shyness & the bullies & some activities thats just not right for us people & kids .

  4. What would you add? more excitement & challenges

  5. Why do we have such events? Because it's more about the fun in us & we haft to enjoy being our age.

  6. Talk about whare tapa whā and key competencies ? Maybe to show knowledge & confidence we can sucess our talent & share it to the world .

  7. Quick finishers could make up a programme for 2021 events? Here is my poster I defined on chrome

1 comment:

  1. Aaliah, I am so happy to hear that you got so much out of being at Yr 8 Leadership Camp. I'm pretty sure your poster design was supposed to be something you created to show off the camp programme for 2021, not something you found on the internet.

    You mentioned that there were somethings going on at camp that were not appropriate for your age. Are you talking about camp activities here? If so, what activities did you find on the schedule that were not appropriate for Year 8 students?
