
Tuesday 4 September 2018




  1. Hey Aaliah, how cool is Google Earth! I remember going onto it back when i was at school. It is most likely updated and much more fancy since then though. Thanks for sharing this post. It would be great and a lot more tidy to read not all in capitals, but you can try that next time. Also watch out for 'is' and 'are'. Remember if you are talking about more than one person or thing 'are' is best used. "In the holidays the family and I (are) going to Rotorua for Christmas, and I can't wait."
    Great work overall! Keep it up.

  2. hey Aaliah,I hope you have a great time going on google earth and I hope you had a great experience on it. just one thing make sure you read after you finished at making sure it makes sense and checking your spelling.

    from nevayah.

  3. Hi Aaliah I wish that someday our family will get to go there after all.

  4. Hi Aaliah, love your great work on the post about Rotorua. Hope you can give a photo one day. But overall great work make sure to keep it up!
    Bye bye, From: Paige

  5. Hi Aaliah I ;loved reading your blog and I also hope that next time you will add some pictures to your blog and I hope that you will enjoy my comment.And this blog Reminds me of a place called Malaysia because sometimes its warm, cold and then turns hot.
